Instant Pot C6 error

We have happily used our Instant Pot (Duo60) for a few years now, but it started acting oddly lately. It did low pressure dishes like rice fine, but under the high pressure settings, it would not stop its heating cycle so the pressure release valve would release every time (and would go until all the … More Instant Pot C6 error

Praying Mantis

Before church, someone noticed a praying mantis outside and we took some kids to see it. I didn’t have enough time to take out both a zoom and a wide lens and it was impossible to capture this scene from a distance (with a telephoto) due to a tree in the way, so, unfortunately, I … More Praying Mantis

Amazon side and back-loading camera backpacks

I just noticed that Amazon has a pair of camera backpacks that are back or side-loading! Left one is side and back loading. Right one is side and top loading. These are direct links. I get no support from Amazon. I have not tried out these backpacks. I just like knowing my … More Amazon side and back-loading camera backpacks